Performance Learning Center Application 2024-2025 
Please fill out the application below for 2024-2025 school year.   Once your application is submitted, and all materials are received from your school (Transcript, Attendance Record, Discipline Records, test scores, etc,) you will be scheduled for an interview. Interviews for next school year will start in June.
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Student's First name? *
Student's Last name ? *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Student's cell phone number? *
Student's email address? *
Student's date of birth? *
Student's age? *
Student's ethnicity? *
Name of Parent/Guardian 1 ? *
Guardian 1 phone number? *
Guardian 1 email address? *
Name of Parent/Guardian 2 ?
Guardian 2 phone number?
Guardian 2 email address?
Have you ever applied to the Performance Learning Center before? *
Current school or last school attended? *
Last grade completed? *
How many credits have you earned towards graduation? *
Is applicant/student pregnant or parenting? *
Does student/applicant receive any the following services at current school? *
What are your academic strengths? *
What are your academic weaknesses? *
Does student/applicant currently work? *
Why are you interested in attending the PLC?
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